The name of Magliano Sabina probably derives from the Latin words Praedium Manlianum or fundus Manlianus, the names by which people used to refer one of the estates of the Gens Manlia at the time of the Romans. According to a paper, dating back to the 8th century and today preserved in Farfa, the original nucleus of Magliano Sabina is to be identified to the homonymous center that developed till it became the present village.

Today Magliano Sabina preserves a medieval appearance, especially due to important and noble Palaces such as “Palazzo Vescovile” and “Palazzo Vannicelli” which is the seat of the mairie, and where are preserved Roman relics and the statue of  the Virgin with the Infant, that really worth a visit. In the neighborhood of Magliano Sabina, there are other and important cultural sights, for example the archeological village in Foglia, whose necropolis really worth a visit, and then the homomymous village of Foglia with its Church in honour of our Lady of the Assumption and its frescos, dating back to the 1600. 

Not very far from Magliano Sabina, the archeological sites of Ocricolum, with the amphitheatre, the Roman relics, and the Via Amerina, a very ancient road, represents one of the most interesting and exciting Etruscan relic of the neighborhood.